Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kettler Accessories

Do you have a Kettrike, but your 1-year-old keeps trying to tumble out of the seat?  Or maybe your little one just can't seem to keep her feet on the pedals!  We carry accessories for the Kettler Kettrikes that are designed to help your toddler learn to stay in the seat and pedal without that annoying foot scraping on the sidewalk! 
Kettler Seat belt

This seat belt is designed to keep your little one secure for those walks or play sessions, and is comfortable and quick releasing.

Kettler Toe Clips
Toe clips could be just this thing for teaching a toddler to keep his feet on the pedals.  They just slide onto the pedal, and then you can use the Velcro straps to help keep those little feet in place.  These toe clips can be used on any Kettler brand tricycle.

And if you have more than one toddler, why not get a tandem seat!
Kettler Tandem Insert
Have twins or even triplets?  You can easily take them all for a stroll with this handy trike-extender!  

These accessories might be just what you need!


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